HB3159 was signed by the Governor & takes affect Nov 1st, 2024!

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Legislation is needed to provide oversight and accountability to the Turnpike Enabling Act

To permanently temper the unchecked power of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, authentic modifications need to occur in Statute 69 Section 1701-1705—The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority Enabling Act. Without changes to this statute the OTA will keep building wherever and whenever they want.

Litigation and legal cases win battles. Legislative change is truly what creates a lasting peace and better world.” -attorney Robert Norman, 2023

We need Oklahomans throughout the state to reach out to their legislators in support of responsible transportation legislation!

A graphic stating "We Need You" the O is comprised of the Pike Off OTA logo

2024 Bills to support

Passed the House and Now In the Senate

HB3159 Eminent domain; Landowner’s Bill of Rights; right of first refusal or first offer; effective date
  • Roberts (Eric) – Title 27, Section 18 – Amendatory. Provides first right of refusal to landowner and first generation of heirs at the lower of either the current market value or the price received by the landowner under eminent domain sale.
    HB2730 Open records; inspection and copying of records; written notice; effective date.
    • Menz – Title 51, Section 24A.5 – Amendatory. Requiring public bodies to respond to open record requests within a 10-day timeline. (Mirror to SB89)

    Resources for Citizens

    Oklahoma Legislators: House and Senate

    Legislative newsletters

    Bill Tracking

    Oklahoma Legislative Guide

    • Download the Oklahoma Legislative Guide. This is a great asset to have at your disposal. In it, you can find out where your Senator and Representative are located in the Capitol, you can keep notes on meetings you might have, and you can take a roll call on votes from the floor. Check it out on the App Store or Google Play:

    Who, What, Where, Why, and How does the legislative process work?

    The legislative process can be convoluted and confusing. The video below demystifies the process and walks through this slide deck explaining each step: How a Bill Becomes a Law.pptx