Oklahoma Turnpike Authority

A Yellow Road sign reads "Bumpy Road Ahead Caution" next to the words Oklahoma Turnpike Truths

Why does a roadway cost more when the OTA is in charge?

**Based on an original cost assessment by Michael Nash on May 29, 2022. Posted with permission** There is a very large cost discrepancy between the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). Both of these agencies operate in Oklahoma and build roads to serve the same population. Both agencies are headed […]

Why does a roadway cost more when the OTA is in charge? Read More »

Oklahoma, Take Your Eyes Off the Road. Part 3 of the “Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem” series

**Originally written by Katherine (Tassie) Hirschfeld, Ph.D., in July 2022.  Updated December 2022 and printed here with permission of author.** Oklahomans, what are we going to do about the Turnpike problem?  It has only gotten worse since my first column back in May (Part 1).  Despite multiple lawsuits alleging serious illegalities on the part of

Oklahoma, Take Your Eyes Off the Road. Part 3 of the “Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem” series Read More »

Is Oklahoma on the way to Pennsylvania? Part 2 of the “Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem” series.

**Originally written and published by Katherine (Tassie) Hirschfeld, Ph.D., in the Oklahoman in May 2022.  Updated December 2022 and re-printed here with permission of author.** This week’s column starts with a pop quiz:   How much does it cost to drive from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia on the Pennsylvania Turnpike?   The answer has two parts:  1)

Is Oklahoma on the way to Pennsylvania? Part 2 of the “Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem” series. Read More »

Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem: Part 1

**Originally written and published by Katherine (Tassie) Hirschfeld, Ph.D., in the Oklahoman on April 26, 2022.  Updated December 2022 and re-printed here with permission of author.** Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem.  It is not a partisan problem.  It affects citizens of all political affiliations.  It is not a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard) problem.  The state Turnpike

Oklahoma, you have a turnpike problem: Part 1 Read More »