Beyond the News

OTA to Announce NEW ROUTE for South Extension Turnpike Through Norman, Noble, Slaughterville and Purcell
Are you in the path? There was nothing on the OTA’s Tuesday March 4th agenda to prepare the public for the announcement. So

Too Many Red Flags to Approve a 1.5 Billion Dollar OTA Bond Issue Without Due Diligence
December 4, 2024— “There are just too many red flags for the Council of Bond Oversight (COBO) to approve the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority’s 1.5-billion-dollar bond

How the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority operates like a Soviet Regime
In a succinct presentation before the Oklahoma Senate Transportation Committee on September 27, 2022, Professor Tassie Hirschfeld illustrates the absurdity of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority: Born in Broken Promises
The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority: Born in broken promises 1954: Oklahoma citizens voted to build turnpikes that would be free to drive once their bonds were

Another win! Oklahoma Attorney General finds House Bill 2263 amendments Constitutional
The Oklahoma Attorney General (OAG) Gentner Drummond published a second opinion on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, detailing why House Bill (HB) 2263 amending Title 69

Oklahoma Attorney General agrees with PIKE OFF OTA that no individual may simultaneously serve three state transportation roles
On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, the Oklahoma Attorney General (OAG) published an opinion that it is illegal for Secretary Tim Gatz to serve in three