Beyond the News

Objections to possible COBO Bond Approval – September 2023
The Council of Bond Oversight (COBO) meeting agenda for Monday September 11, includes as agenda item 3 Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the

Statement on August 1, 2023 Supreme Court Bond Validation
In a split 6 to 3 ruling, the Oklahoma Supreme Court validated Turnpike Authority bonds for the ACCESS project This is a destructive blow for

2023-07-12 Responses to OK Supreme Court Legal Questions
Confused about what is happening in the Supreme Court?
Our latest post on breaks down what happened this week. Three on fire and well-prepared protestant briefs were submitted to the Court with sound arguments for why the OTA cannot lawfully build the 3 new alignments in the ACCESS program.
Oklahoma House and Senate Vote Overwhelmingly to Override Governor’s Veto of Turnpike Board Appointment Legislation
NORMAN, OKLAHOMA May 25, 2023—Today the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Oklahoma Senate voted overwhelmingly to override the Governor’s veto of House Bill 2263,
Pike Off OTA’s Statement on the OK Supreme Court Ruling on May 23rd, 2023
In May 2022, Pike Off OTA brought claims in Cleveland County District Court challenging the OTA’s legal authority to construct 3 proposed new turnpikes. Since

PIKE OFF OTA statement on OTA decision to pause all ACCESS work April 14th, 2023
Norman, Ok April 12, 2023–Pike OFF OTA is encouraged by the announcement that the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority has finally decided to stop work on the