District Court Hearing on Both Lawsuits (Authorization and Open Meetings Act Violations)
Judge Olsen has set a hearing on the OTA’s Motion to Dismiss in the PIKE OFF OTA District Court Case, which argues that the OTA lacks legislative authority to build the proposed Tri-City Connector, the East-West Connector and the Southern Extension. He will also hear arguments in the Open Meetings Act violation lawsuit on Motions to Quash and Protective Orders from depositions for Poe and Associates, Jessica Brown and Jones Public Relations.
The hearing will be in Judge Walkley’s courtroom on the 4th floor of the Cleveland County Courthouse. All are welcome to attend.
**Due to inclement weather, the hearing was held via Teams.**
Court Case information can be found here: https://www.oscn.net/dockets/GetCaseInformation.aspx?db=cleveland&number=CV-2022-1692&cmid=2404932