Beyond the News

What is the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority Hiding?
The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) has proposed rolling five billion dollars further into debt for improvement projects on existing turnpikes and constructing three new toll

Psychological Factors in the Threat of Eminent Domain
By Twyla Smith Subjective Value is the worth of a Home and Land to the family who owns it. This personal worth of Home has

Questions about Accountability
By Travis Wilson Their agenda was not to find the best route, a creative route, perhaps one that combines a new tollway with existing infrastructure,

The Increasing Destruction Caused by the OTA
(source: FB – NO MORE TURNPIKES, Oklahoma!) Looking at all the turnpike projects over the last 29 years, and using historical imagery, I plotted all

The Actual Projected Growth of Norman, Moore, and OKC in the next 30 years
(source: FB – NO Turnpikes, Oklahoma) Spoiler alert: POE lied to us when they claimed our population would double in the next 30 years. As

Proposed Turnpike Increases Travel Time
(source: FB – NO Turnpikes, Oklahoma!) The progression of this turnpike is the strongest case yet that the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority has outlived its usefulness,